Friends of Island Rover
As a way of recognizing the generosity of the many benefactors of Island Rover Institute we have a series of recognition levels. These levels are denoted by monetary donations or in kind contributions and reflect the accumulation of gifts by an individual.
$1 - $499
$500 - $999
$1,000 - $4.999
$5,000 - $9,999
$10,000 - $24,999
$25,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $99,999
$100,000 - $249,999
over $250,000
Harold Arndt
Dorothy E. Smith
Christopher H. Arndt 1922 - 2001
Helen Arndt 1923 - 2009
Tom Yale, of Yale Cordage
Dorothy & Chip Bowie
Christine & Dan Labbe
William Peterson
Carolyn & Jon Sweet
Elizabeth & Jessica Zinda
Natalie Coolidge
Mike Hill
Pat Kennedy
Christine Wolfe & Michael Perry
Mark Sears of Solid Works
Bath Iron Works
Saul & Sandra Ahola
Charles & Janice Allsworth
Marie Sue Atwood
Clay Canterbury
Joanne Gilbert
George A. Haduch
Jonathan Handelman
Richard Healy & Mary Jo Martel
Cyro Industries
James L. Joslin
Lisa M. Manley
Mary Jo Martel
William & Carolyn Mehlenbeck
Capt Douglas Piehl
Dallas Staples
Mildred J. Taggart in memory of
James E. Taggart
Timothy Tibbetts
Nicholas S. Nadzo, Esq.
Gayle Briggs
Clay Canterbury
Don Bristow-Carrico of PhotoVoltUS
G. Baer Connard Jr.
Eddie Gamage
Joanne Gilbert
Robert Hogg
Dexter J. Kamilewicz
John Kirsch
Jeffery Ladner
Ellen D. Miller
Joseph Sinibaldi
Joe Sukaskas
Ed Tittmann
Rob & Michele Taylor
Dale Talbot
Robert Veilleux
Lee Allen
Capt. Bob & Carol Anderson
Strphen J. Anderson
Elizabeth J.Arndt
Alan & Barbara August
Stephen M. & Elizabeth P. Baker
David Berry
Thomas Botthof
Bow Street Market - Staff -
Sidney Brewer
Gayle Briggs
Thomas g. Broussard, Jr.
Timothy Burns of Edmund Scientific
Kelly Cairns & Doug
Freeport Conservancy
Steve & Kathy Carey
Alex Cattell
Cub Scout Pack36 Den5
Thomas M. & Fabienne Cattell
Edith & Phil Chaney
Bradford & Dorothy Chapman
James & Naomi Cooper
Steven & Dawn M. Coolidge
Creative Cottages, LLC
Leona Crooker
Charles C. & Joanne Crowley
Barbara & Jim Davis
John M. Day
Willy De
Joanie Dean
Mark Doody of Mens Warehouse
Debra Doyle
Louise Dufour
Susan Emmet & Michael Wing
Susan Fanning
Jack Frannfelder
Coral Gardner
John & Janelle Gunning
Chris & Dianne Gutscher
George Haduck
Frederick A. Hall, Sr.
Gerald E. & Gail Ham
Richard Hannah
Robert & Mary Hanson
Michael Hill
Fred Horch of The Green Store
Eric & Volley Horne
Peter Horne
Richard H. & Elizabeth Hopkins
Dorothy B. Howard
Jeff Jacobs
Don & Julie Kagan
Patricia M. Keegan
Patricia Kennedy
Charlie & Betty Kettell
John E. Kirsch
Jeff Ladner
Ruth S. LaFantasie
Bea & Red LaFantasie
Millie Laverty
Edward"Ed" & Dianne LeClair
Greg Link
Mac & Lucy Lloyd
Hogan & Jan Lofland
George Long
Sue Luhrs
Edgar G. Manley &
Lisa M. Coolidge-Manley
William & Lesley Mansfield
Darlene Markham
Arthur & Charlotte Mary
Alice Mason
Gerald Mason
Alexys Mattiace
Platt & Betty Monfort
Mid-Coast Hospital Graphic Design
Ellen Miller
John & Verocca (Rocket) Morgan
Richard Morrell
Martha Mourkas
Sheryl & Jim Quill
Roy L. Reed, Jr.
James & Pamela Rubovits
Eric Sanderson
Cub Scout Pack36 Den5
Joseph A. & Laurie A. Sanderson
Kim Sawicki
Heidi Sawyer of Heidi's Traditional Sails
Lawrence D, & Donna M. Scott
Allen Smith
Gary Smith
Lauri & Robert Smith
Joseph N. & Eunice Staton
Linn & Stephen Syz
Rob & Michele Taylor
Richard Terreault
John Thomas
Ed Tittmann
Florence A. Viens
Roben & Linda Voigt
James & Joyce Walsh
Mike & Lois Wellington
Carolyn Westcott
Antoinette M. Whalon
Alan & Glenda Whalon
Kevin Windsor
Jean Wood
Robert Woodbury